

Pinteresting Summer-Pillowcase Dresses

Pinteresting Summer

Pillowcase Dresses
I've seen so many pillowcase dresses around, but was never really interested in them.  Then my hubby's grandpa passed away and as his children were going through some of his things they came across these pillowcases:
Still in original packaging
There happen to be eight great-grand-daughters that were small enough to make pillowcase dresses for.  I made up the dresses and the great-grand-daughters were able to wear them to the funeral (which was really hot--and these dresses were perfect for the weather)
I scoured the internet for ideas--I wasn't a big fan of the ties being on the top of each shoulder.
So I found/made a pattern that would make the dresses adjustable and have a big bow.  I made a mock up to make sure the pattern would work.  For this dress the bow can go in the front or back because there is not front or back to the plain white pillow case.
 1. Cut a slit in the middle of the back about 3 inches long
 2. Fold over about 1/4 inch and press
 3. Fold over again and press then stitch
 4. Fold over top about 1/4-1/2 inch, press
 5.  Fold over edge again, press, stitch along the top and bottom edges
6.  Fold and press the other side of the pillow case.  Thread a ribbon or sash through the openings and tie a bow.
 Here's the back of this dress.  I added green pleated material to coordinate with the bow and to add some character to the white pillowcase
 I wanted to make the bow longer--but didn't have enough of this material to do so.

For the "real" pillowcase dresses I made coordinating sashes and made them much longer so the ties were draping down the back.  All the girls looked so cute and had fun realizing that they were matching.


Pinteresting Summer-Superhero Shirt

Our Pinteresting Summer

Superhero Shirt
When I started writing the title of this post I left out the last you think that would have gotten your attention?  Is it a fashion no-no to mix superheroes?  The shirt doesn't really match the shorts :o)

 Now that my oldest is in school all day my sewing focus has seemed to turn to my 3 year old.  He happens to love superheroes, but has never seen them in action (meaning never watched a show)  He seems to like Spiderman today so I thought I would convert his red shirt into the masked hero.
I free-handed the shape of the eyes.
 Cut out black stretch fabric and placed on the shirt.
Then zig-zagged around the egdes.
I cut out white fabric and sew it on the back--notice I cut it to the same size as the black, but sewed it farther in from the edge.
 Then I cut through the black and red layer to reach the white.  Look-spiderman is winking.
While I was cutting the left eye my little guy was so anxious he was literally hanging on my arm--I'm hoping it will look better after a wash.
So there you have it Spiderman applique & reverse applique shirt.



I've been so busy with life events, the last few weeks have flown by... 
Family Visits
Baby Blessing
1st Day of School
More Family Visits
I took these pictures in my back yard the morning of the 4th-very patriotic don't you think?
I think things will slow down a bit now-I have some projects to share.


Pinteresting Summer-Patriotic Buttermints

Our Pinteresting Summer

Patriotic Summer Mints
We blessed the baby on Sunday.  It was beautiful and she was adorable.  Afterwards we had a family gathering.  I made lots of yummy treats, some of these, & these (but w/ lemon and a lemon glaze)
We also made these yummy yummy buttermints.

I was able to make these several days ahead.  It is a simple process, and fun to do.
The white is pretty--but we have to be festive.
This was all that was left after everyone went home.  For some reason the red ones tasted better..

Happy 4th of July!