

Wedding #2

Apparently I last posted over a month ago! School started in the middle of August for us. I have a kindergartner-half day. I was driving every two and a half hours. Then after only two weeks of school I really did not like the kindergarten teacher, and we couldn't switch...long story. So we switched to a different school just for him, which turned out great. Now we carpool and I am in the car less.
Besides a crazy first month of school, my hubby's only sister got married last weekend. I ended up sewing and crafting a bit.
Here's a smidgen of what I did...
4 vests, 4 bow-ties
2 Girls Dresses
Flowers: 1 bouquet for the bride, 3 boutineers, 1 corsage, 1 arrangement for the guest book table, 1 flower girl bouquet
Here's one more shot of the flowers.
We had a great time, and I thought the flowers were pretty. We had another family wedding earlier this summer, and I have been meaning to show you the dress I made for my oldest daughter--gorgeous!
Congratulations to my sister-n-law and my new bro-in-law!
