

Chicken Little-The Puppet

We had our week off for spring break to work on our chicken little project.  We played the first few days then got down to business.
This is what we started with.  My daughter did the paper mache at school, and some volunteer moms painted the puppet.  I was hoping it was going to be a yellow chick--but we were left with brown.

So we headed to several stores to find brown boa's.  After a few attempts at different stores we found some.  It took us a while to figure out how we were going to attach the boa's to the puppet.  I thought of just using hot glue-but was vetoed.  So I used some of my sewing pins--and they worked just fine.
It took three boas to cover the entire thing.  This is a view of just one boa.
It is now the cutest fluffiest chick.
Next we started looking for a little hat to put on it to girlify the chick-but all we found was a neon pink feather bow thing.
Then the eyes!  Styrofoam balls with black paper eyelashes and green buttons.  They are bit over-sized, but so make the chick so fun.  My daughter said her class laughed at the eyelashes.
I sewed on some pleated trim to pink gingham fabric and attached it to the base of the puppet to hide hands. 
My daughter is holding it here, and you can't even see her-that's how big this thing is. We aren't going to make it big like Jim Henson, but we had a great time venturing into the world of puppets. I'm sure this chicken little will be the star of the show next week :o)


Chicken Little...Where to Begin

My daughters class is getting ready to put on some puppet shows.  Different groups in the class have been assigned different stories.  As you can guess my little girls group was assigned Chicken Little--and we get to make a Chicken Little puppet.  The head has already been made and painted--now we have a week to figure out how to make this thing awesome.

So I've been pinning some ideas:
I like the bonnet and dress of chicken little here-but the chicken will be brown
I'm looking at the beak and red things--I don't even know what they are called.  I like the fluffy feathers too.

And this thing?  It would give all the kids nightmares.  Can you imagine someone wearing it to a costume party?!?!

Hopefully we'll come up with something awesome.