


It bugs me when things I like are taken away without much thought of consequences.  

Well, like much of blogdom I've switched over to Bloglovin.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Follow my little blog too. If you haven't switched, I think you will enjoy the ease of Bloglovin.  Yes, it is different than Goggle reader-but after a day or two you'll enjoy Bloglovin a bit more.

Patriotic Paint Chip Wreath

During spring break my parents came in to town. My dad helped my hubby put in a tree ring--a fun project that required several trips to Home Depot...during a late night run they found that they were clearing out an entire section of paint chips. My little brother has used these in his artwork, so my dad loaded up tons of paint chips. By tons I mean he filled the trunk of his car. Before they left I filled a garbage bag full of chips...
I wanted to make a new wreath for the 4th and had a fun idea.
 I pulled out the red, white, and blue chips
 Traced and cut stars out of each one.
 Lots and lots of cutting.
 While watching some tv, I folded each star for a 3D look.
Then I pulled out my summer wreath from two years ago.
I used a glue gun and just glued to the crepe paper.
 Isn't it festive?
Happy Independence Day!


Whip it Up Wednesday...Bread & Jam

While looking at some pictures from this last weekend I found one of our off-track adventures.
 We spent the afternoon making some yummy bread-actually I did this, because the recipe is so simple and doesn't require kneading by hand.
 While the bread was in the rising and in the oven the kids helped me hull the strawberries for the jam. The 7 year old got the real knife. 
 My four year old used the strawberry huller.
This was so yummy. We delivered bread and jam to a neighbor, our piano teacher and a best friend. Everyone said it was yummy-even if the jam never set up.