

Tantalizing Tuesday-Monkey Bread

 I tried to do this on a day that wasn't over 90
 I like monkey bread-only when it is made from scratch.  I do not like it when it is made from pre-made biscuits. To me, it tastes like biscuits with brown sugar and cinnamon on it.  Here is the yummy recipe I found. I make my dough in a bread maker.

 I knew this would be a messy project for my kids. The only way they will learn to be great cooks is to get their hands dirty. I tried to set everything up so they wouldn't get frustrated.

 My little guy would sing the steps as he placed each ball in butter, then the sugar mixture.

This does make a lot of yummy bread. We invited several families over and before I could take a picture of the end result we had one morsel left.  This project took some time, but it was so fun to see my kiddos help out.


Make It Monday-Instruments

We have a short summer out of school. Our school did year-round last year, and is starting traditional in the fall, which means we get the short end of the deal.
We are trying to make the most of it-hence the lack of blogging on my end.

We are doing the envelope adventures again...
 I had been saving toilet paper and paper towel rolls, but my 1 year old decided she needed them more. 
 We happened to have two empty tissue boxes, and a bag of elastics.
 We tried to pick out different widths of elastics
 Once the elastics were in place the kids decorated. They have had fun making noise trying to play different songs.



My hubby's coworker found a piece of cedar during a recent camping trip. She wanted to use the piece to make something for her hubs for Father's Day. So my hubby volunteered our family to help. My hubby cut and sanded the piece then turned it over to me to burn a saying into the wood.
 1st I traced the saying with pencil.
 Warmed up the wood burner.
 Then went to town.

You were my yesterday, You are my today, and you will always be my tomorrow.
Now I know how to use a wood burner.