

Pink Pillows

My little girl loves her duvet cover.  She has made her bad more often and seems to be more careful about what she puts on her bed.  Her bedroom is at the top of the stairs and it's the first thing you see when you walk upstairs-it bothered me that it was missing some fun pillows.
Aren't they cute?
It's not much.  I didn't want to put too many pillows on there because I'm terrified she will suffocate-I've walked in and seen her face right up against a pillow with not much breathing room.  She know they are decorative pillows and shouldn't be on there to sleep with-she watches me take off my pillows every night.
For the small pink flower pillow I made the pleated flowers the same way I did on the duvet cover, with more layers.
This fabric is from Home Fabrics. I found it for $2.50 a yard.
The edge has some striped fabric to give it a little detail.
It wasn't quite complete without a soft animal.  After finishing this bed I'm excited to sew the duvet cover for my little guy.  I have a fun idea that might have something to do with this project.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pillow and cover! I love the soft pink color you've used!
    PS Being a terrified mom doesn't go away! My oldest is 22 and I still "check to make sure she's breathing at night." I know...crazy!


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